Change log for Pre - Alpha 1.3.2

-_-_-_-Pre - Alpha 1.3.2 Release Notes-_-_-_-

A bit of an unstable release, but with a lot of cool stuff still.
Pre - Alpha 1.3.3 will be released on 06/02/2019.
Also, the next update will be available on my website:

_____* Changes Made To Existing Features_____

* Detailed map a little more.
* Improved inventory system a lot.
* Worked on secret levels a bit more...

_____+ Added Features_____

+ Added Dual Pistols.
+ Added Lead Pipe melee weapon.
+ Added a few console commands.
+ Player can now punch.
+ Two loadouts for spawning.

_____- Removed Features_____

- Removed "crafting"... for now.
- Removed vision obscuring.
- Removed bullet trails to improve performance, for now.

_____> Fixed issues / Bugs_____

> Fixed many issues with the inventory and crafting.
> Fixed some issues with loot, now making it a lot easier to add content into the game.
> Improvement to performance.

_____# Known issues / Bugs_____

# Infector zombie's origin point is off, causing it to go through walls.
# Most zombies have an animation issue.
# Survivors are broken again, they will be completely rebuilt soon.
# Player can't drop items.
# Empty spaces in the inventory still show "0 / 0".
# Some items don't have an in game sprite.
# Some healing items don't work.
# Some items don't do anything still, will be fixed in next update.
# Inventory and hot keys show up weird in the Remutine Bunker... if you some how got there because...
# You can't pick up cash. Already fixed for next update though.
# Custom loadouts don't work yet.
# Prebuilt loadouts don't spawn with gear.


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